ColorCYC 180 - NAN Audiovisuais

ColorCYC 180

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ColorCYC 180 is an innovative IP65 CYC, with full spectrum color LEDs optic, superb even color mixing, and it comes with CCS3.0 intelligent color consistency system, bulit-in 1800K-10000K high CRI CCT and 48 special selected colors. The ColorCYC 180 is an all-purpose CYC fixture for both indoor fixture installation and outdoor touring application.


Light source: RGBALC
Angle: 70º
CRI Ra: 95
CRI R9: 50
TLCL: 80
CQS: 90
Size: 530x170x126mm
Weight: 6kg
Casing: Die-cast Aluminum
Voltage: AC100-240V
Power: 160W
Power Connection: Power in/out
DMX XLR: DMX in/out
Dimmer: 16Bit
Cooling: Direct convection
Protocol: RDM/DMX
Display: On board control, custom mode, 0-25Hz Strobe
Personality: BASIC(3CH), SSP(8CH), TOUR(13CH), TR16(20CH), HSIC(7CH), CMY(10CH)
Ambient Temp: -20ºC-45ºC
IP Rated: IP65
CE Certification